Monday 1/25/10 06:40 China time
What's a little sleep between freinds right? And techie skills notwithstanding - I got to have some internet to work with...but whining aside - pictures can be found at I'm still uploading most of Post 1, but Post 2 - which has the couple of pictures of him that I have so far is complete. Just click on the links. Best I can do for the moment - I'd have more done but we'll be changing locations again today so who knows what internet access we'll have.
How is Chase? Cool - but he's our son - you'd expect less? Really - he had an OK night - he was up a couple times, but as long as he had Marie to go right back to he was OK! He spent most of the night snuggled in on her shoulder - also a good thing! He did call me Baba a couple times - so it's pretty clear that they were showing him the family pictures and telling him who the people were etc. I've had worse nights - and ya'll have heard way worse stories! I'll take it - OK.
More will follow - promise!
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