Monday, March 8, 2010

please ask all your friends to help out

I hope you can take a minute and kindly ask everyone you know who cares about the little people around the World, the kids coming from China now who must get TOO many shots all at once risking their health and possibly their lives to have a family after all they have endured already. A family is brave enough to adopt a SN child only to have harm done by giving all those shots at once by AMERICAN rule when there used to be a waiver that a parent signed stating they would just catch up the shots like the American children standards via their American Pediatrician. How unfair to treat them this way, the child and the family! Its like Russian Roulette with their health adding one more injury to a child who already is SN just by the fact of adoption. No one knows how safe, and even a lot of American parents cringe at shots PERIOD!
thank you so much for helping to gather more signatures showing your support to change this back to the way it should be!
 Re: Family in China now-mentions prayer

They went to the clinic. Her fevers are down.  I think they are going to try to get home sooner.
This bill is watiing for the state department to sign off on some language changes.
It's Sienna Grace.  She had a bad reaction to the 7 shots she had to get in one day.  I believe they were taking her to back to American doctors and may have ended up in the hospital.  She has thalassemia (SP??) and they think the high fevers may have been too much for her.  I'm so upset for this family.  This is the last thing they should have to deal with over there.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

and its your turn to guess!

We are home and ready to share what we found but didn't know if it was safe to share while in country...and some have hinted they know what it is. So, for fun, let us know what you think it is and we will see who's right! I hope we don't let you down but we were way excited to have this for our little boy...and more!

While Chase naps...

While Chase naps on our bed I can hear Braelyn tease Aus when he calls her French Fry…just like our friend in China! The night went fairly well but Chase and Aus decided it was morning at 4am only for the school closing calls to come in. Braelyn came to our room and did sleep in her nest next to me on the floor. When she kicked off her covers she fussed until I covered her up again. Today we are DETERMINED to put the beds up so both little ones have a space to sleep and let US SLEEP! Chase was snuggly but not as clingy all night. He fell asleep in my arms before putting him to bed and he even let Aus lay him down. We held our breath and it worked!

All morning he kept calling upstairs for Brianna not realizing she was in school so I took him to the bus stop to see where Braelyn went. He loved seeing the bus drive up and the driver just beamed at him! She was so happy to tell us how she heard about the little guy. As a trial we took him to dance class but had to wake him early from his nap. He had trouble moving in his winter coat, hat and mittens. My dear friend Susan gave me a winter coat, I’m blessed to have things from Rachel, Tonya, Sheri and Kathy! I gave most all of my kid clothes to friends over the years only to find I needed to start over and what a blessing to share things like this! Its like having sisters to pass things around with! I loved passing down stacks of little girl dresses to friends years ago then Lisa gave back a stack as did Terri…so we’ve made things go a long way!

We are making progress layer by layer here at home but I so wanted to mention all the kindness from friends who brought meals for the freezer! The C family left a bag with of treats, crayons and coloring book for each little one, the F and B family brought food as well and there is a huge box of juicy oranges and apples that make it so easy for me to just grab and share with the kids. At 4am yesterday I sat in bed snacking on an apple with two little mouths waiting for their bite at the apple…

And, all of you who have followed our journey, making comments and offering support have been what have kept us going! If we knew what we were going to face even just coming home, we really would have freaked! We haven’t had the time to explain the 32 hour ordeal. Believe me, it was not something anyone would look forward to if you knew just what you would have to do, in the amount of time, in the weary condition of your not so young body, with the amount of luggage you were hauling…and the mood of your travel companions. Poor Aus almost had a hissy fit when our first suitcase was 2.5 over the weight limit. Our friends got to average their 5 cases for 100 kg, but OUR airline had to be the one that wanted EACH case to weigh 20 kg. Here I am trying to calm my DH while unlocking and repacking our private belongings, dirty laundry and foreign treasures all in front of the line of other travelers waiting their turn. Thankfully our guide’s husband came along to assist our process and bridge the communication gap with the airline employee.

At least this time Aus didn’t say he wanted to get home…in the worst possible way! It was not nearly as challenging as last time!

Commercial break…time to dress the girls to go out in the snow…turn up the radio, grab a warm drink, check on the washer…

Well, Chase woke up but he’s letting Ba’ba hold him! And here comes the girls already…

Sunday, February 7, 2010

home and back to school tomorrow!

It was over 32 hours of traveling to get home. We got up at 5am Saturday in China to leave. After eating breakfast we took a large van ride to the airport. Mom and Dad carried back packs and pushed carts with our large suitcases. We rode four different airplanes. The first ride was about an hour. Then we had to wait a long time for the next ride. It was about 12 hours and we ate then slept then ate. I did not mind the food. After four plane rides we got home. My oldest sister Brittany was there to pick us up. Chase was very afraid of the carseat. Mommy spent a lot of time trying to get him to just sit in a chair in China to get ready for it.
I will be happy to see you at school.
Brianna and Braelyn


We got home alive and well - and even managed an OK day - but the jet lag has been killer for all of us. Marie will post details I'm sure - but wanted all to know that we are well and everybody is OK!
hugs - aus

Friday, February 5, 2010

We're on the way!

02/06/2010; 05:45
As soon as the porter arrives we're on the way home! Thanks all - and hugs around

Time to head home!

It has been a long and fun time in China but we can not wait to get home! Its so noisy and busy here. The beds are really hard. We cannot drink the water unless Mommy boils it or we buy it. The food is a lot different. I have rice noodles and egg rolls for breakfast with dragon fruit. We have to ride in a taxi or a big bus to get places. There is always a lot of people and the cars go really fast. They almost run over you. The people are nice but some ask a lot of questions and do not speak well. We do not get to sleep in, there is so much each day.
Our new brother is a lot of fun. We like him a lot. He smiles and laughs when we play with him. He is repeating words we say a lot. Braelyn likes to get him to repeat the word "finally" for some reason. Mommy taught him to do sign language too. He is afraid of men but likes daddy.
We will ride 4 different airplanes and it will take a day to get home.
We miss you!
Brianna and Braelyn